
November 19, 2021
Shana Gardner, MAS, Operations
It's all but impossible to think about gratitude this time of year without your mind instantly going to Thanksgiving. It's a time for everyone to reflect on what they're grateful for and appreciate what they have, but the practice of gratitude extends well beyond the holiday. Did you know that gratitude is linked to a slew of physical and emotional benefits?  In practicing it, a person may experience benefits like lowering their blood pressure, getting better-quality sleep, having higher self-esteem—and just being happier!
October 27, 2021
Molly Neises, MAS, Sales
It’s the word you’ve probably heard a thousand times over the last eighteen months… Kitting. Although a new concept for a lot of distributors and their buyers, it’s nothing new to the team here at Maple Ridge Farms.  We love when we get to explore really creative and unique ideas – often utilizing other promotional products sent to us to kit with our tasty treats. Let’s start with a fun case history of a project that really embraced holiday gift-giving in a way that celebrated the company’s culture.  Then we’ll share some tips and tricks to create custom kitted gourmet gifts!
October 14, 2021
Shana Gardner, MAS, Operations
“Food of the gods.”  We mean that literally!  We share a brief look into the history of chocolate.
September 23, 2021
Krista Polka, CAS, Sales
When it comes to setting goals, whether for work, personal, or other, psychology plays a significant role in the success of reaching goals. Goals play a part in how we see ourselves and they also help to shape who we are and who we intend to be. Both professionally and independently, psychologists and mental health professionals associate goal setting with a higher sense of self-worth. Think of the last time you set a goal and reached it. How did you feel afterward? Happy, proud, excited, and fortunate may be some adjectives that come to mind. When setting goals of any caliber, be sure to set specific, clear, defined, and attainable standards for yourself or your team otherwise known as SMART goals. This method was designed as a guide for how to set realistic goals and have a successful outcome. SMART is the acronym for setting specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound goals.
July 29, 2021
Molly Neises, MAS, Sales
Every year at about this time, we all get super excited at the Farm!  It’s when we get to start sharing new products and ideas with our customers!  When we are developing new gifts, we go into the process thinking about what we have heard from our distributor partners and their buyers in regards to their needs, wants, and desired promotional solutions. When chatting about a new product, we hear, “This would be perfect for…” or “I can see my customer using this for…” and they are situations we may not have originally envisioned.  Better yet is when those same concepts come to fruition and we get to see the gifts in action! This was the case recently with one of our latest roll-outs… our new Gourmet Cylinders.  Each cylinder is filled with two tasty treats to share—or keep all to themselves.  And because they lend themselves to so many types of projects, we made sure that there are plenty of warm-weather-shippable treats on offer as well.  Add in the fact that each cylinder is complete with a custom full-color sleeve, and it’s a winner for every lucky recipient! Read on for recent case studies showing the power of these new fully-custom imprinted dual-packed treats:
July 1, 2021
Maple Ridge Farms Team
The pandemic changed so much about our lives, including how we communicate. It blurred the lines between personal and professional, as more people worked from home than ever before while dealing with the uncertainty and stress of a global pandemic.
May 11, 2021
Molly Neises, MAS, Sales
You’ve probably heard it a hundred times (or more): “Samples Sell!”  That’s because it’s true! Putting a physical sample in your customer’s hands can create excitement, increasing your level of customer service while building trust.  It also allows your buyers to feel confident and exhilarated by how they are spending their marketing budget.  As consumers, many of us are more likely to purchase something we have tried first.  This means you are more likely to convert a discussion about promotional products into a sale if the customer has been able to sample the goods. Read on for two case studies, showing the power of sampling:
March 25, 2021
Molly Neises, MAS, Sales
Over the past year, we have all seen an increase in virtual events.  Chances are that many events will most likely remain virtual (at least for a while). The ease and convenience of virtual gatherings make them an optimal choice for companies trying to share a message or experience with a large group of people – while reducing travel, extended gatherings, and often expense. One of the downfalls of virtual events?  It takes creativity to build and deliver an experience that will be remembered long after going offline when the event has ended. Looking for a way to provide that experience?  Charcuterie gifts remain a hot commodity and a great option when looking to send virtual event attendees a gift to truly generate excitement.  They offer a wide variety of price points and tasty treats to make any recipient ready to dig in.  With branded cutting boards, there is a built-in reminder of an experience shared with friends, colleagues, or customers! Read on for a few recent case studies, showing the power of gourmet charcuterie gifts for virtual event promo:
February 12, 2021
Molly Neises, MAS, Sales
Like so many of us, I found myself a part of this amazing industry of promotional products by sheer happenstance.  Before starting my journey with Maple Ridge Farms over 12 years ago, I didn’t understand or acknowledge the existence of an industry that used actual products to promote or market brands, companies, and organizations, or events.  Sure, I had received imprinted pens, t-shirts, and the like, but I never gave much thought to where they came from.  I never stopped to think about someone choosing that product, the imprint placement, or the actual impact it was intended to have.  What was the “reason” it existed to begin with?  Who was their intended recipient?  What were they trying to accomplish with it?
January 22, 2021
Shana Gardner, MAS, Operations
Maple Ridge Farms, Inc. struck gold again when it was awarded the 2021 PPAI “Supplier Star Golden Pyramid Award” at the recent PPAI Direct-2-You virtual tradeshow.  Maple Ridge Farms has won more Supplier Star Awards than any other food gift company in the history of the industry. 

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