The Joys of Lumpy Mail

Isaac Buttke, Contributor

In this day and age, nearly everything in marketing is done electronically. Email is the go-to method for corresponding with co-workers and clients. Search engine optimization helps companies jockey for prime position on search engine results pages. Social media has ingrained itself not only as a marketing tool but also as a leisure activity for anyone with 15 minutes or less to kill. Yet even with all this technology embedded within our lives, a different marketing channel continues to thrive: direct mail.

While emails are easily discarded en masse with one glance at the subject line, direct mail demands more attention (and often gets it). According to Forbes, roughly 42% of people read or scan any direct mail they receive, completely blowing emails out of the water in terms of viewership. As if that wasn’t good enough, a method of direct mailing called “lumpy mail” can boost that figure even further.

What is Lumpy Mail?

Lumpy mail is just what it sounds like: it’s mail that has “lumps”, or some sort of item that comes with the mailing. These items can range from small office supplies like pens or notepads to treats like chocolates and nuts. Basically, if you’re sending something more than the traditional paper mailing, it’s lumpy mail.

Benefits of Lumpy Mail

Although it’s more expensive to send out lumpy mail, this method has some large benefits to justify the cost. Here are just a few of those perks:

  • Attention Getter
    • Since lumpy mail is more than just a run-of-the-mill envelope arriving in a mailbox, it immediately stands out from the rest of the pack. The recipient starts to wonder what’s inside the lumpy mail even before knowing who it’s from.
  • Hype Builder
    • Think about opening a present on your birthday. If you don’t know what’s inside the gift, the anticipation of what it could be is really exciting!
  • Gift Giver
    • Naturally, the item that makes the mail lumpy is worth something to the recipient, whether it’s a pen they’ll use at their next meeting or a box of chocolates that will sweeten their day.
  • Memory Maker
    • What’s more memorable than getting an unexpected treat? Your company will get some rent-free time in the recipient’s head, especially if your lumpy mail includes some branded goods!

How can Maple Ridge Farms Help?

OK, so you’re sold on lumpy mail but need help implementing it. That’s where Maple Ridge Farms comes in. We have over 40 years of experience working with clients like yourself to meet the needs and wants of people everywhere. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Include a custom-labeled treat or two with a regular mailing to sweeten any deal.
  • Show employees how much you care for them by treating them to one of our cylinders in the mail.
  • Want to add your own personal touch? No problem! Create a kit that combines our food gifts with branded materials supplied by you.

What are you waiting for? Contact one of our friendly gift specialists today to start crafting some delicious lumpy mail of your own!


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