Meet our Team Members: Molly Neises

Here at Maple Ridge Farms, we love taking the time to get to know our distributors better.  We feel that our relationships with them set us apart and help us to provide the best service we possibly can.   As part of our ongoing series, here is a look at another member of the Maple Ridge Farm team!



Name: Molly Neises
Department: Customer Service
Years of Service: 5


Your Time on the “Farm”…

What brought you to Maple Ridge Farms, and what where you doing before coming to MRF?

I was working in a factory!  When they shut the doors, I thought it was time I took a 2nd look at Customer Service.  (And I couldn't be happier!)

What is your role on the MRF Team? How do you typically spend your day?

I am a Gift Specialist working in our Customer Service Department, and am a member of our Custom Gifts team.  I field incoming requests from our distributors regarding a wide variety of their needs (new orders/pricing, current orders status, custom projects, etc.)  You name it, we help with finding them the information they need!

What part of your job do you most look forward to?

I love the daily interaction with our distributors!  I am always excited to work with them on custom and “out of the box” projects, as well.

What is the strangest request you have seen since joining the Maple Ridge Farms team?

Working with our custom gift projects, we have seen quite a few strange requests… I think the oddest was a customer who was looking for a version of our cheese/sausage gifts but they wanted exotic meats (vs. our beef sausage).  We were able to source them a variety of options including venison, bison, and more!

What is your favorite Maple Ridge Farms item?

That’s a tough call.  The English Butter Toffee is addictive, but the new Cocoa Dusted Truffles are “melt in your mouth” perfection!

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

A few years back, I was honored to receive the Supplier Customer Service Representative of the Year Award from CPPA.  I am also excited to be starting toward my TAS/CAS certification.

What do you feel sets Maple Ridge Farms apart in the industry?

 High-quality, fresh and delicious gourmet treats, packed fresh to order, provided by a service-driven staff willing to do whatever it takes to help make your customers happy!


On the Lighter Side…

What do you do in your spare time?

I love spending my life with my family and friends.  I enjoy movies, music, etc. and have been sticking to my New Year’s resolution of reading more.

What are you proudest of in your personal life?

My circle of family and friends

If you could have a drink with anyone (fictional, real, dead, alive, famous, non-famous) who would it be?

This one changes all the time... Right now, I would have to say my old college roommates...It's been too long!

What is your ideal vacation?

Anywhere on the North Carolina coast.

I love it there!

What is your favorite quote or saying?

I have two:  “It can’t rain all the time” (The Crow)  &

“She dances in a ring of fire, and throws off the challenge with a shrug” (Jim Morrison)

What three words best describe you?

Loyal / Loud / Laughter

If you were stranded on an island with one book, one movie, and one CD what would they be?

Right now, I would have to say:  To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee) / One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest /Doo-waps & Hooligans (Bruno Mars)…

(Ask me next week, and you would probably get a different set of answers!)

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