Remember to Breathe - Stress Relieving Tips for the Workplace


For many of us, the 4th quarter tends to be the busiest time of year.Our customers are calling with last-minute orders, our shipping windows are being affected by weather, and the “Holiday Rush” is being felt by everyone, both on a personal and a professional level. Workplace stress can have a profound effect on our overall mood and our interactions with colleagues, friends, and family.  However, we’re here to help!  Below are five easy ideas to help you combat workplace stress!

1) Just Breathe – The simplest way to relieve stress is to take a moment and consciously focus on your breathing.  A few deep breaths (in through your nose, out through your mouth) can provide you a momentary respite and help you center your thoughts. The added bonus is that you can do it at your desk.

2) Smile More – Even if you don’t feel like it, remember to smile.  You’d be amazed at how much more  helpful and pleasant people around you can be if you remember to be pleasant yourself. Also, remember to smile when you answer your phone – your tone of voice will convey it!

3) Walk Away – When you are feeling overwhelmed, take a five-minute breather. Go for a quick walk outside, grab a cup of coffee, or go ask one of your colleagues what their weekend plans are. By stepping away from your stressful environment, you will not only improve your mood, but also increase your ability to focus on the task at hand when you return.

4) Leave your Desk for Lunch – While it may seem counterintuitive to walk away from your desk when you are swamped, having a while away from your work has some positive benefits. First, if you aren’t at your desk, you won’t be interrupted with questions. Having 20-30 minutes to yourself can do wonders for your mood. Second, when you are focused on other tasks, you also tend to eat more than you normally would. Setting aside time for lunch helps you prevent overeating, which will help you feel healthier in the long run.

5) Keep It in Perspective – While the work we do and the services we provide for our customers are important, we all need reminders occasionally about perspective. When you are faced with a stressful work scenario, ask yourself, “In a year from now, how important is this going to be to me and my company?”  Obviously, for some things that answer will be “very important.” For other things…not so much.  For me, I find Carl Sagan’s reflections on the “Pale Blue Dot” photograph particularly helpful. Nothing like the wonder of the cosmos to help you focus on what's important!

Stress is part of our daily lives, and is, unfortunately, unavoidable. By maintaining a positive outlook, utilizing a few stress relieving exercises, and keeping things in perspective, you'll be able to make it through the holiday season unscathed!


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