Meet Our Team Member: Caryl Foote

Here at Maple Ridge Farms, we love taking the time to get to know our distributors better. We feel that our relationships with them set us apart and help us to provide the best service we possibly can. As part of our ongoing series, here is a look at another member of the Maple Ridge Farms team!

Name: Caryl Foote
Department: Production
Years of Service: 16

Your Time on the "Farm"...

What brought you to MRF, and what where you doing before coming to MRF?

I was stay-at-home mom, and worked in my screen printing business.  I came to MRF as a seasonal employee on the night shift, just to get out of the house.

What is your role on the MRF Team?  How do you typically spend your day?

I am one of two Production Supervisors. A typical day can consist of many different things such as: producing orders, monitoring work load to anticipate Production staffing needs, helping with new product development, and assisting customer service with Production-related needs.

What part of your job do you most look forward to?

I look forward to busy season, when we are fully staffed with seasonal employeesSeeing that orders are all filled correctly and on time and problem-solving, along with helping to foster good relationships and a pleasant work environment are challenging and invigorating.

What is the strangest request you have seen since joining the MRF team?

I can’t think of any strange requests, but I do remember a sample of a Mardi Gras cake coming in that had a tiny plastic baby on it.  I thought that was unusual.

What is your favorite MRF item?

Sea salt caramels!

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

Becoming a Production Supervisor.  It affords me an opportunity to be of service to the employees at MRF, and I appreciate it.

What do you feel sets MRF apart in the industry?

The attention to detail. This is not an “assembly line’ operation.  Every gift is well thought-out and put together with all aspects of quality in mind.

On the Ligher Side...

What do you do in your spare time?

I don’t have much spare time, so when I do, I work out, clean my house or work in my garden.  For fun, I like to just sit around and talk with smart people about a variety of topics.

What are you proudest of in your personal life?

Raising my four kids to be intelligent, healthy, conscientious adults.

If you could have a drink with anyone (fictional, real, dead, alive, famous, non-famous) who would it be?

My late stepfather.

What is your ideal vacation?

Being at home in a clean house for a week by myself.  It will never happen though….

What is your favorite quote or saying?

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

What three words best describe you?

On a mission.

If you were stranded on an island with one book, 1 movie, and 1 cd what would they be?

Book – The Bible
CD – anything classical, Mozart
Movie – “Henry V” (Kenneth Branagh)

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