The Make It Happen Industry

At Maple Ridge Farms, we have a saying: We are the Make It Happen team.  It's not just us, though—the promotional products industry is all about making things happen!  Whether it's help with an unconventional request or keeping abreast of industry concerns, there are several resources out there to help you do just that.

Social media is more than self-promotion and marketing—there are plenty of other excellent features to help you help your clients.  LinkedIn and Facebook offer active industry groups where you can get inspiration, ideas, and advice from other promotional products distributors and suppliers.  Generally closed to non-industry people, these groups are a great way to exchange information in a controlled environment with like-minded people.  commonsku, exclusive to the promotional products industry, is another excellent option for these discussions.  Open discussions can address practically anything, including product ideas, supplier recommendations, and service concerns.  They can also be a way to stay apprised of current issues affecting the industry, such as the recent West Coast longshoreman strikes or other lobbying efforts.

The trading of ideas on social media is helpful, but then it's up to you to make the ideas happen!  Open conversation with your client and suppliers is necessary to make sure that your client gets just what they want.  Maple Ridge Farms and other suppliers are happy to work with you on every order, whether stock or custom items.  After working out with your client just what they want, your supplier can then come up with just the right item, whether it's a catalog item or a unique custom built just for your client.  Altogether, your client, you, and your supplier become your own Make It Happen team.


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