Extra Services

Set-up Charges
Set-up Charge 50.00 (G)
Exact Reorder Set-up Charge 20.00 (G)


Drop Shipments
Bulk Drop Shipments 4.00 (G) per carton
Individual Drop Shipments (directly to recipients) 4.00 (G) per carton
Individual Drop Shipments (submitted via fax, in the body of an email, or a format other than MS Excel or MS Word) 6.00 (G) per carton


Gift cards (provided by Maple Ridge Farms)
Same message on all cards 4.00 (G) each
Various messages on cards 8.00 (G) each
Set-up for black & white logo 20.00 (C)
Exact repeat set-up for black & white logo 10.00 (C)
Download our card template here.  


Enclosure of gift cards (when supplied by customer)
All cards the same No Charge
Cards to be matched to each recipient 2.50 (G) each
Cards to be enclosed in provided envelope 0.75 (G) each


Foreign shipments
Visit the Foreign Shipments page for associated charges and restrictions.


Less than minimum
(not available from Nov. 25 - Dec. 17)
Imprinted (one-color imprints) 50.00 (G) per item
Imprinted (full color imprints) 100.00 (G) per item
Unimprinted 20.00 (G) per item


Address correction (after shipment) 20.00 (Z) per carton
Art charges (Clean-up, Revisions or Changes to artwork) 45.00 (G)
Cancellations (plus cost of work already completed) 125.00 (G)
Creative Services 50.00 (Z) per hour, 1 hour minimum
Corrections to zip code or finding zip code 5.00 (G) each
Changes to Orders 30.00 (Z)
* Intercept request may add transit time; additional intercept shipping charges apply.
20.00 (Z) per carton
Insulated Shipping Carton and Ice 15.00 (G) each
Line Drawing Service 90.00 (G) each
Oversized imprints (Wooden Collector's Boxes Only) 62.50 (G) per order
Preparation of bills of lading or airbills 6.25 (G) each
Printing of customer-provided letters, cards, and other files 4.00 (G) each
Rebilling charge 25.00 (Z)
Release charge 12.50 (G) per release
Reship of Returned Package*
* Perishable packages (e.g., smoked meats, coffee cake) are subject to a variable charge.
22.00 (Z) per package, plus shipping & handling
Return of Product*
* Visit the Return Policy page for associated charges and restrictions.
25% restocking fee (minimum)
Second position imprint 4.00 (G) each
Signature Required service 10.00 (G) per carton
Spec samples EQP + 20.00 (Z)
Special imprint location 62.50 (G)
Split shipments (multiple ship dates) 12.50 (G) per shipment