Addresses must contain a name, street address, apartment or suite number, city, state, and correct zip code. Please verify all addresses for accuracy. UPS and Federal Express will not deliver to PO boxes and will not accept addresses with incorrect zip codes. While we are pleased to guarantee our products, we cannot guarantee or credit products lost, spoiled, or returned because of inaccurate or incomplete shipping addresses. UPS and FedEx add a significant delivery area surcharge to more than 20% of our shipments.
An additional charge of $15.00 (G) per address will apply to individual shipments requiring an insulated carton and ice due to warm temperatures.
Freight carriers charge the factory for address corrections resulting from incorrect information, recipient moves, etc. Charges due to address corrections after shipment will be invoiced to the distributor upon receipt from the carrier at the current published rate.
Our primary small package carrier is UPS. Due to FedEx's limited capacity to support daily pickups, we strongly recommend that you use UPS if timely delivery is important. Maple Ridge Farms cannot be responsible for any delays in delivery.
Maple Ridge Farms is not responsible for shipping delays or disruptions caused by natural disasters.